Mike McGregor (MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary) is Director of College Ministry at First Baptist Church in Durham, N.C. You can follow him on Twitter at @m5mcgregor.
The Good Much good has been brought about by political, cultural and theological movements. Desegregation was just one of the positive results of the civil rights movement. The United States…
The Problem Do you desire to see God glorified? All Christians sing songs praising God. Most likely they adore him in prayer and speak of his greatness to others. Yet,…
These are tumultuous times. COVID-19, racial injustice, riots, an economic downturn, and a massive explosion in Beirut has left many feeling fearful, hopeless or numb. Similarly, Isaiah and the Israelites…
A person can trivialize almost any sin by making it a joke. So observed C. S. Lewis.[1] That’s tragic because God created humor and laughter. We feel his goodness when we…
Is it ever okay to judge others? For many, judging others or telling them they are in the wrong is simply out of the question. It limits our self-expression. However,…