Below are Kids Movie Talking Points for Sonic 2.

Sonic likes being the hero, but also disregards the destruction he causes. Unlike that, how should we serve others?
We should serve in a way that glorifies God, not ourselves (Matt. 5:16). We should do what’s best for others because of how Jesus loved (2 Cor. 5:14). It’s also good for us to work with a team like Sonic learns to do at the end of the movie. God has gifted us, but he hasn’t given us every gift. It’s fun and freeing to rely on others and celebrate how God has gifted them.
When Sonic meets Knuckles he’s surprised and humbled by how fast and strong he is. How should we respond when we meet people who are as gifted or more gifted than us?
We shouldn’t worry or be sad because God loves us. If God says we are his child and loved (Zeph. 3:17) than what does it matter if we are better than others?
The Master Emerald gives ultimate power to whoever has it. Is it a good thing that the Master Emerald doesn’t exist in real life?
Yes! Scripture tells us that we have all sinned (Rom. 3:23), and even Christians continue to sin (Rom. 7). So, it’s typically not good when one person has too much power.
Who does have ultimate power?
How is God ultimately powerful?
He made all things, he sustains all things, he knows all things (Col. 1:15-20; Rom. 11:33). Thankfully, he’s not just powerful but perfectly good.
Why is it crucial that God is not just powerful but also good?
If he was good but not powerful he’d be nice but unable to help us. If he was powerful and not good we’d fear him and what he might do. But he’s powerful and good, and that’s great news!
What changed Knuckles heart toward Sonic?
When Sonic risks his life to save him, even though he was an enemy.
What’s a real-life example of someone laying down their life to love an enemy?
American President William McKinley had a wife who had very bad health. He regularly took breaks from his busy schedule to care for her. Sadly, McKinley was shot by a person who didn’t like him. Before McKinley died he said he forgave the guy who shot him, because Jesus had forgiven him.
Jesus’ example of laying down his life for his enemies is the greatest example of all. Romans 5:8 says, “For God shows his love for us in this: while we were sinners Christ died for us.”

Mike McGregor
Mike McGregor (MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary) is Director of College Ministry at First Baptist Church in Durham, N.C. You can follow him on Twitter at @m5mcgregor.