Moana is a fun story with great music written by Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda. The story centers heavily around polytheism (the belief that there are many different gods) and expressive individualism (our heart is the truest voice in our life).
Moana is very opposed to staying in her village and playing her part in the tribe. Should we always chase our heart’s desires and dreams?
It’s not always bad to chase a particular dream, but the Bible tells us that obeying God is the greatest joy and should be our highest priority (Matt. 22:37-39) even over having a certain job or freedom.
In the movie we are told that the world was originally all ocean and then the island emerged and gave life to all things. Later we are told that Maui, a demi-god, created many things in the world to make humans happy. What is the real creation story according to the Bible?
The Spirit hovered over the deep (Gen. 1:2) and then spoke all of creation into existence. God isn’t a part of the earth, he is separate from it, but made it. He made all things because he loves us.
Similar to the creation story told in the movie, something went wrong in our world in the beginning. What was it?
We sinned against God. That is the reason for everything wrong and painful in this world.
Did our sin turn God into a raging fire-monster? What was his response?
No. Amazingly he decided to save his people from their sin by dying for it himself. In the movie it is Moana who braves the fire-monster to save her people. In truth, Jesus braved the monster of death and sin on the cross. He was killed for our sin so we could be restored to a relationship with God. All who trust in Christ will go to be with him one day in a world more beautiful and perfect than any movie could portray, including Moana.
Mike McGregor
Mike McGregor (MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary) is Director of College Ministry at First Baptist Church in Durham, N.C. You can follow him on Twitter at @m5mcgregor.