Below are Kids’ Movie Talking Points for The Jungle Book.

Would you like to be raised in the jungle like Mowgli?
What are some things you couldn’t learn being raised by animals?
You couldn’t learn to read, write, or speak. You couldn’t be taught the difference between right and wrong. Most importantly, an animal couldn’t teach you the good news about God and how he saved us.
God made every creature in the sky and on land and in the sea. In fact, we’re still discovering species of creatures God has made. If you discovered a different type of fish every day for 50 years there would still be more to discover! God is so creative and powerful. But God made humans different than animals.
How did God make us different from animals?
We are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26). He also gave us authority and dominion over the earth and the animals (Gen. 1:28). We also have souls which live forever (Ecc. 12:7). We will live forever like God and always be with him (1 Thess. 4:17). This is great news because it means if we trust in Christ then when we die it’s more like falling asleep since our souls immediately go to heaven with God while our bodies on earth just await the resurrection (1 Thess. 4:14-18).
Bagheera and Baloo don’t want to take Mowgli to the village of humans, but they know it’s the right thing to do. What are times when you have to do the right thing even if you don’t want to?
Obeying God is always the right thing to do, but it’s not always the thing we want to do. Sometimes we know we need to tell the truth but we don’t want to. Or we know we need to clean our room or share, but don’t want to.
Why should we obey in those situations and do the right thing?
Most of all we should obey because we trust God. God made the entire universe. He is so powerful, smart, and wise. He also loves us so much that he gave his Son to save us. Why wouldn’t we trust him and honor him by obeying him?
We should also know that disobedience might seem like the fun, easy thing to do, but in the end it leads to pain and sadness. Proverbs 4:18-19 says,
But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn,
which shines brighter and brighter until full day.
The way of the wicked is like deep darkness;
they do not know over what they stumble.
The path of sin seems light but leads to darkness. The path of obedience seems hard but leads to light, life and happiness with God.
Bagheera and Baloo gave up their time and even risked their lives to help and save Mowgli. Who has done that for you?
Certainly your parents or guardians. Maybe an Uncle or Aunt? Perhaps a friend has been helpful to you.
The person who has laid down their life more than anyone to love you is God. Jesus didn’t risk his life, he gave it so you could be saved by trusting in him!

Mike McGregor
Mike McGregor (MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary) is Director of College Ministry at First Baptist Church in Durham, N.C. You can follow him on Twitter at @m5mcgregor.