God made marriage to never be broken, but Charlie’s parents aren’t married anymore. What effect does that have on Charlie and his parents?
He’s sad that he can’t be with both of his parents on Christmas, and is frustrated by them fighting. Our sin doesn’t just effect us, but almost always effects those we love too.
Is Charlie’s dad, Scott Calvin, kind to Charlie and others?
Not really. He lies to his mom about being stuck in traffic. He is short and frustrated with his questions and doesn’t put much thought into a delicious Christmas Eve dinner.
Charlie’s dad grows frustrated with him asking questions about how Santa visits every house on Christmas and finally responds, “Sometimes believing in something means…you just believe in it.” Is that true about God?
No. It is true that faith is the conviction of things unseen (Heb. 11:1), but we are also told to give a reason for the hope that is in us (1 Pet. 3:15). Though, we can’t take someone to the resurrected Jesus and show them his nail-scarred hands, Christianity gives a reasonable faith with arguments more convincing than the answer Charlie’s dad gives, “He sucks it in like grandpa.” However, it is somewhat true that seeing isn’t believing; believing is seeing. The Holy Spirit softens our hearts to desire God and to stop denying Him.
Do you think it was right that Charlie’s mom tried to separate him from his dad, Scott?
In real life if someone was dressing up like Santa Clause to feed a child’s imagination and win their affection, it would be concerning. Yet, this movie does remind us that we should always look into things before we are sure.
Santa Clause eventually gives Charlie’s mom and stepfather the presents they had wanted when they were kids and they finally believe. Does God know everything we want? If so, does that mean he should give us everything we want?
God knows all things, including what we want and desire. However, he also knows what is ultimately best for us. So we should trust that he will give us perfect gifts according to his perfect wisdom (Rom. 8:28; 11:33).
Charlie’s dad gives him a globe to shake whenever he wants to see him. In reality, that would be impossible, even for Santa. But what can we do when we want to talk to God?
We can pray whenever we want for however long we want. We can also hear from God whenever we want in his Word. We can even memorize the words he has spoken to us! We know he hears us when we pray in Christ’s name. Jesus told us to pray to him in his name, because he died for us on the cross so if we believed in him our sins are forgiven and we are brought into a perfect relationship with God. Because of Jesus we can pray to God and read his word knowing he loves us and will work all things in our life for our ultimate good.

Mike McGregor
Mike McGregor (MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary) is Director of College Ministry at First Baptist Church in Durham, N.C. You can follow him on Twitter at @m5mcgregor.