To many people, embracing Christianity might seem like trying to catch a handful of sand. They may think, “being a Christian” means going to church, honoring your parents, not cursing, praying, etc. To be sure, Christians are commanded to do those things in Scripture, but it would be incorrect to say that Christianity is fundamentally about doing all those things. In reality, Christianity is more like catching a baseball in the sense that it’s about catching one message. Everything falls in around that one message. That message is the gospel, which means good news.
The good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ begins with creation. We were all created by God to know and love him (Genesis 1-2). God has made us in his image (Genesis 1:27), which is why each and every person has intrinsic value. The reason we are alive is to live for his glory, something much bigger and better than living for ourselves (Isaiah 43:6). We aren’t here by accident or chance. We have been uniquely and wonderfully made (Psalm 139). As Curt Thompson wrote, “Every person is born looking for someone who is looking for us.” That person is the God who created us. Nothing can fulfill us like knowing God. As Augustine wrote, “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in him.”
The bad news is, we all have fractured our relationship with God through what the Bible calls sin (Romans 3:23). Sin simply put is disobeying God. The heart of sin is turning our backs on God. If we loved God perfectly than we would never disobey him. He would always be enough for us so we wouldn’t turn away. Because we’ve turned our backs on God we do and say things that break his commands which he gave us to be a blessing.
God is holy and just so he must punish sin or he wouldn’t be good or God. Therefore, the just consequence of our sin is death (Romans 6:23). We experience the death of sin eternally, but also in this life. As a result of sin, we experience pain, distress, and guilt in this life (Titus 3:3). We also deserve death eternally. Part of being made in God’s image means we have a soul that is eternal. We will either live eternally in heaven with God forever, or we will live forever in hell where God and his goodness is completely absent. Because of our sin we justly deserve hell and eternal separation from God forever. We are like a spouse who has been egregiously unfaithful.
Yet, there is hope. God, being infinitely rich in mercy and kindness, became a man in Jesus Christ. He took on flesh (Philippians 2:3-11) and by doing so “wrote himself into the story.” “Jesus was tempted in every we have been yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Though he was the only person to not deserve death, he voluntarily gave his life on the cross for us. Jesus paid the penalty of sin and death for the world (John 3:16) including every person who would trust in him. He rose again after three days proving that death had no hold on him and that his sacrifice for our sin was sufficient. Now, anyone can be rescued from their sins and restored to a relationship with God if they believe Jesus is God, and that he died for their sins, and rose from the dead. Their standing with God doesn’t depend on their righteous living but on the perfect righteousness of Christ, which they are clothed with. As 1 John 1:9 says, “If you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Believing the gospel will necessarily change people. They will desire to please and serve God by obeying him rather than their own desires.
This is the greatest story of all time. Forget Avengers, and the 58 other superhero movies. This is the greatest story ever told, and the best part is it involves us. If you haven’t trusted in Christ, consider what is keeping you from being reconciled to God eternally through saving faith in Jesus Christ. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what your friends or family think of Jesus. The key question is the one Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?”
Christians are reconciled to God and his children, the church. Being a part of a church is vital for every Christian or anyone seeking to learn more about Christianity. Check out the church search below to find a church that believes the gospel above, where you can grow in your faith or explore deeper.
Further reading:
What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert
Basic Christianity by John Stott
Further Listening:
Gospel in Life Sermons & Resources
Two Journeys Sermons & Resources
9Marks Church Search